Weekday Sketchers at Eldridge Street Museum and Synagogue

This week we celebrate one of our own, while visiting another tribute to the immigrant story that forms the basic fabric of New York City. Formerly a practicing congregation, the building fell into terrible disrepair with the exit of the Jewish population from the Lower East Side. The Eldridge Street Project was formed to repair and preserve this building and the heritage of this area. Embroidered on this legacy is Adrianne Ottenberg's exhibit "28 Remarkable Women and One Scoundrel" highlighting the life of women who have made a significant contribution to NYC and especially the LES. Adrianne has captured their lives on beautiful silk banners displayed throughout the building. Bloomberg Connects has added to the experience by providing audio introductions of the women who tell their stories through taped narratives.
Join us as we explore the lives of these women, some whom you have heard of (Emma Lazarus, Emma Goldberg and Lillian Ward) and many you will meet for the first time. Set in the exquisitely renovated building with beautifully carved woodwork, colorful stained glass and intricately painted walls, you will surely find many scenes to capture in your sketchbooks.
For more information about the exhibit and the museum, click here: https://www.eldridgestreet.org
And for a Bonus, Adrianne will be joining us to provide information about her exhibit and paintings.
Questions, comments and RSVP directly to President@nycurbanskerchers.org. DO NOT respond to this email as you inquiry will go to a "dead letter" file.
Between Eldridge and Division Street
TRANSPOERTATION: Multiple train lines come near to the building. For explicit directions, click here: https://www.eldridgestreet.org/visit
- Please RSVP directly to Raylie Dunkel at President@nycurbansketchers.org
- Looking for us? Call or text Raylie at 201-273-0445
- There is an admission charge of $15 for Adults and $10 for Seniors the AAM is accepted
- Be prepared to work in dry materials
- There are many places to sit in the building, no need to bring a stool
- Water and bathrooms are available
- No food is allowed in the building