“But they’re always moving!!!”
Exactly! We will use gesture, cross-contour and context to study the human form in action. By working from the inside out and the outside in, drawing people becomes more about energy than form.
Our aim is not to produce technically accurate drawings but satisfying our spontaneous impressions of people.
Learning goals:
After taking this workshop students will be able to:
- Approach drawing the human figure with less trepidation.
- Focus on essential lines that identify what a figure is doing – walking, pointing, stooping, talking, etc.
- Express more fluidity and feeling into their people.
- Use different approaches in different sketching situations.
- Sketch people with more confidence.
To Find Out More
... and to register - click here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/sunday-workshop-sketching-people-from-the-inside-out-tickets-314804066437
Important Details
- This workshop is three hours long and will be virtual.
- You need to register to participate
- The fee is $55
- The event is this coming Sunday, April 10th. We're starting at 1 PM