A few weeks ago we tried to go to the Elizabeth Street Garden Unfortunately it was closed for a p[rivate event. Let’s try again this week. If for any reason the garden is closed again we will go to Thompson Square Park which is a 10 minute walk away at Avenue A and East 7th Street
Come along this Wednesday to one of NYC's hidden treasures:The Elizabeth Street Garden. Located
in the old Italian neighborhood that is now Nolita, this garden is a holdout against the developers who would love to turn this green oasis into yet another high rise building. The one acre park is crammed with architecural debris that once adorned the buildings in Manhattan. Come and sketch the lions and dogs, angels and devils that adorn the walls and paths of this magical space. For more information click here:https://www.elizabethstreetgarden.com

DATE: WEDNESDAY August 4, 2021
TIME: 11:00AM (that's when the park opens)
LOCATION: Elizabeth Street between Price and Spring Streets
TRANSPORTATION: J, Z to Bowery or 4,5,6 to Spring Street
Note: There is some seating in the garden but bringing a stool will give you more option. Bring lunch and something to drink.