Grand Central Terminal Exhibit
Call for Submissions

Just to prove that there are silver linings in the darkest clouds, NYC Urban Sketchers has been presented with an opportunity to mount an exhibit at Grand Central Terminal (GCT). We are now seeking submissions for the exhibit.
Taking advantage of diminished traffic in GCT, a number of construction projects have been started throughout the terminal. Temporary walls have been constructed in many places in the main hall and passageways which beg to be decorated. The management of GCT has asked NYC USk to submit sketches to be displayed for the duration of the construction.
Since we have had a number of live and virtual visits to GCT, many of our members have sketches that can be used. There is no requirement to do any new sketches. All you have to do is submit a JPEG of your sketches that will be sent to GCT for printing. No original art work will be displayed, so no need to worry that your work might be destroyed. Your sketch can be of GCT, inside or out, No sketches of GCT? Not a problem. submit sketches of any landmark buildings, sites or scenes in NYC.
If you would like to submit a sketch please do the following:
- Select a piece that will be retain integrity when it is printed in a large format. Make sure the lines a clear and clean and there is good contrast and color in the piece
- Write your name clearly on the lower right corner of the piece when you take the picture or place the sketch on a piece of white paper and write your name clearly in the lower right corner of he paper.
- Submit the sketch to Raylie Dunkel at by February 15th.
- Please keep your submissions to only two or three pieces.
As soon as we know when the sketches will be mounted there will be an announcement. Unfortunately due to COVID restrictions we will not be having a grand opening but you can visit GCT to see the exhibit at your leisure.