Our annual Holiday Party is in one week on Saturday, January 9th. Everyone is bringing their own drinks. What will you bring? Let's get the party started by DRAWING a fabulous holiday cocktail to bring to the party. Conjure up and sketch your signature drink, complete with ingredients and garnish. Then give your concoction a clever name. Be witty or crazy, but select a descriptive name that tells the story of your drink or will give everyone a laugh.
For those who don't imbibe, create a tasty mocktail, or fancy appetizer instead.
Have fun and don't forget to post your work and bring your cocktails to the party to share with your fellow guests.
Need some inspiration or ideas for drink names? How about Quarrantini or Pandemic Punch? Use book titles, art, animal names, etc. for inspiration. Take a look at these articles, with recipes included:

10 Cocktails Inspired by Art for Artsy Drinking https://www.dailyartmagazine.com/cocktails-inspired-by-art/