Weekly Theme: AlternativeLiquids
orIf you spill your coffee.....use it!
I know this happens to me: I'm out sketching with a cup of coffee and a container of water.....opps...put the brush into the wrong liquid! Or ...oppps, just tipped the coffee cup over and have a puddle at my feet. I'm pretty sure it has happened to you as well.
But did you ever think of using that liquid to paint with. Not only coffee but tea, juices, wine or any liquid that has color. ( Hey...Halloween is almost here...try blood! No, Too Gross! )
This week find a colored liquid and try to see what you can do with it. How dark can you go? How light? Can you thicken it? Thin it? Can you create a "paint set" with different liquids? Play with it. This is a variation of a monochrome painting but not with watercolors.
For some inspiration take a look at this article in Doodlers Anonymous titled "Don't Cry Over Spilled Coffee".
Have fun!