Thursday, March 5, 2020

MONDAY March 9: Westchester Sketchers at Mamaroneck Artists Guild

The Mamaroneck Artists Guild comprises approximately 200 artists, many of whom have achieved national recognition for their paintings, drawings, digital art, mixed media, sculptures, prints, photographs, woodwork, jewelry, ceramics, glass and fiber art. The Guild showcases unique Arts and Fine Crafts, handmade by juried artist members. Throughout the year they hold a number of programs and activities open to members and to the public. These include popular Life-Drawing sessions, Coffee Houses, Children's Workshops, art demonstrations and lectures.

The Guild's current exhibition, celebrating Women's History Month, is called Her Story / His Story. Art is a journey full of surprises and detours. Looking at your personal journey from the beginning to the present, what best expresses where you are now and where you want to go next?

Local host: Alison Nichols


DATE: MONDAY, March 9, 2020

LOCATION: Mamaroneck Artists Guild, 126 Larchmont Avenue, Larchmont, NY., 10538.
Phone: 914-834-1117.

Take Metro North Railroad from Grand Central Terminal to the Larchmont Station via the New Haven Line. Please call Marianne (914) 355-6507 to arrange for pick-up.

START TIME: 10:30 AM.  

SHOW and TELL: 12:45 PM This is the social part of our day where we share our drawings, tips, and stories. It is a time not to be missed. 

LUNCH: We will have lunch at Villa Maria Pizzeria, 6 Chatsworth Avenue.

  • Admission is free, but donations are welcome.
  • You can park on the street or find parking around the back of the gallery. The back door will be open, although it’s a little difficult to find (down some steps) even though it has MAG written on the back.
  • Bring a stool if you have one. 

Please RSVP to Cathy ( We will provide an attendee list to the Foundation.

Looking for us?
Call/text: Cathy at (914) 625-0766 or Marianne at (914) 355-6507.

There are no fees. All drawing skill levels are welcome. 

Mark you calendars for these UPCOMING EVENTS:

Wednesday, April 1st - New York Public Library, 42nd Street, NYC
Friday, April 17th - Clay Arts Center, Port Chester, NY
ThursdayApril 30th - The Cloisters, Bronx, NY