Friday, December 6, 2019

Saturday 12/7 at the Essex Market!

Yes, folks, there is a meet-up this weekend after all! Indoors at the Essex Market, with plenty of people and colorful things to sketch, lots of vendors for buying lunch, and even bathrooms (yay!). Bring a stool for sketching downstairs (try to stay out of the way). Upstairs there's a dining area with tables and chairs, more people to sketch, and some limited views of the vendors downstairs, and windows with street views.

Essex Street Market, 88 Essex Street
(at the southeast corner of Essex & Delancey Streets)

Via Subway
J, M and Z lines to Essex Street
F line to Delancey Street

Via Bus
M9, M14A-SBS, B39
to Essex/Delancey Street

Look for Joan Tavalott upstairs in the dining area.
Joan's Cell: (516) 510-1473
(I'll arrive around noon because I'll be working in the morning.)

Meet for lunch upstairs in the dining area.

Show and Tell upstairs in the dining area.

Come late, come early, it's all good. We're pretty easy to find, we'll be the ones sketching!