My best guess is that it's going to be too cold to sketch outside, which is a disappointment. However it's a good time to treat ourselves sketching one of the largest and finest Egyptian Collections in the United States. We'll be at the Brooklyn Museum on the third floor in the Martha A. and Robert S. Rubin Galleries.
Although our focus is going to be on the Egyptian rooms feel free to roam the museum. The Soul of a Nation: Art in the Age of Black Power show looks particularly interesting.
WHAT: Sketch the Egyptian Collection at the Brooklyn Museum.
WHERE: The Brooklyn Museum, 200 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn, NY
Adults - $16
Students and Seniors with valid ID - $10
WHEN: The Museum opens at 11 AM. If you sleep late come anyway (Bring my phone number so you can find us).
2-3 train to Eastern Parkway/Brooklyn Museum.
You can transfer to 2/3 from 4/5 (at Nevins Street) and B, D, Q, N, R, and LIRR (at Atlantic Terminal-Barclays Center).
- By Car -

LUNCH: 12:30 PM In the first floor cafeteria
AFTERNOON: 1:30 Back sketching
Show and Tell: 3:00 - Meet in the lobby for a short walk to Tooker’s Alley 793 Washington Ave, where we will share drawings, good stories and and a snack or refreshments if you're so inclined.
- Bring a stool if you have one.
- Be aware that the museum wants pencil sketching only. This rule is unevenly enforced.
Can't find us?
Call Mark - 973-809-9128
There are no fees or attendance taken. All drawing skill levels are welcome