Wednesday, December 13, 2017

SUNDAY: Sketch in Tranquility

Brooklyn’s Botanic Gardens

Sunday December 17, 2017

After sketching in Times Square and then at Rockerfeller Center, both incredible but hectic locations, maybe like me,  your spirit is crying out for artistic tranquility.  In thinking of the peaceful soul nurturing locations in New York City, (and there are many) the one that feels like it will be most satisfying is a visit to Brooklyn’s Botanic Gardens.

The cold above
I hope you will join us on Sunday.  Our focus will be the Hot House complex with it’s fascinating rooms capturing different seasons and various climates.  It’s a chance to be in nature sketching without a jacket in December.

The warmth below

The Gardens Open at 10 AM.  Our base of operations will be the Conservatory, whose indoor attractions include the Aquatic House, the Bonsai Museum, the Desert and Tropical Pavilions and the Warm Temperate Pavilion.  The winter light should be beautiful including the possibility of outdoor sketching, weather permitting.

When and Where  10 AM at the Steinhardt Conservatory (the hot house complex) in the Brooklyn Botanic Gardens. We’ll meet on the first floor near the main entrance and will then fan out from there.

How:  Located at 100 Washington Avenue with an entrance on Eastern Parkway

  - By Subway,  the 2, 3 train to the Brooklyn Museum - the 4, 5  train to Franklin Avenue

  - By Car - There's convenient parking behind the Brooklyn Museum which is adjacent to the Gardens.

Lunch12:00 Noon at the Yellow Magnolia Café (in the Garden a short walk from the Hot House) a healthy restaurant offering vegan, vegetarian, and gluten-free options.

Afternoon1:00 PM - Back to sketching at the Steinhardt Conservatory

Show and Tell3:00 PM walk to Tooker Alley, 793 Washington Ave, 347) 955-4743  to share drawings, good stories and a beer or wine if you're so inclined.

- Admission:
   Members Free
   Adults $15
   Seniors (65+)$8
   Students 12+ with ID $8
- Easels and tripods are not permitted.
- Stools are generally not a problem and make sketching easier.

Click to Enlarge

Can't find us?  
Call or Text Mark - 973-809-9128

There are no fees or attendance taken. All drawing skill levels are welcome