Weekday Sketchers' New Year's Resolution: Attend More Events
In an effort to make it easier for all of us to attend more Urban Sketchers Events this year meeting dates will be posted a few weeks in advance. Please put these dates on your calendar. The meeting place will be announced approximately 5 days prior to the event. We will also be switching the day of the week to accommodate other fixed events on your calendars.
Hopefully this will allow everyone to plan their other appointments around the Urban Sketchers dates and become a regular at the meetings.
The list below has the some locations (full details will follow the week of the meeting). Some were suggested by group members. If there is a venue that you think we should be going to please let me know. There are so many hidden treasures in this city that one person can't possibly know them all. So share your thoughts on where we can go for a day's sketching.
Schedule for January and February
WEDNESDAY January 18 Bronx Zoo
THURSDAY January 26 China Society in honor of Chinese New Year.
THURSDAY February 2 American Museum of Natural History in honor of Groundhog Day
TUESDAY February 14 Valentine's Day (Is there a romantic hideaway you know of?)
TUESDAY February 21 Juilliard Concert