Monday, September 7, 2015

The Following Wednesday

I exited Penn Station and zig-zag walked south until I reached Broadway, passed through Madison Square Park, detouring to look at the sculptures up above covering the walkways and leaving interesting shadows, waved at the Flatiron Building and kept walking. I threaded my way through the Farmers Market throngs in Union Square Park, my stomach full 'cause you all know I just had brunch in Penn Station so I ignored all the fresh baked cookies, and continued walking down University Place which, with every step, feels like a college town until I settled in Washington Square Park for awhile.
Sketched on location; text and color added later.

Stapled booklet from a college alumni dept. (rec'd in mail); collaged with some old book pages; painted with one coat of white acrylic; pencil and/or Sharpie Ultra Fine pen; Pitt brush pens.