Sunday, September 27, 2015
Brooklyn Heights is one of the most beautiful neighborhoods
in the nation: Travel and Leisure Magazine.
The Brooklyn Heights Promenade will take your breath away. Made famous by cameo appearances in movies like Annie Hall and Moonstruck, it is one of the most romantic spots in New York City, and has been the destination for thousands of first dates, wedding proposals and anniversary celebrations. One-third of a mile long, it offers a vista of the Statue of Liberty, the Manhattan skyline and the majestic Brooklyn Bridge. Lined with flower beds, trees, benches and playgrounds, the promenade is a favorite destination for tourists, joggers, strollers, families, lovers, and of course - Urban Sketchers.
The afternoon will be spent sketching the rows of historic 19th century brownstones, the leafy streets, lush gardens and charming dead-end alleyways. The landmark designation has kept the neighborhood looking much as it did 100 years ago. This is a sketching treat!
When: Sunday at 10 AM. Sleeping late? Really? Come anyway you'll only miss some of the heart-pounding sketching excitement.
Where: The Brooklyn Heights Promenade - walk down Montague Street to the end.
How: Subways include:
- Clark Street - 2, 3 train.
- Court Street - R train
- Borough Hall - 2, 3, 4 or 5 train
- The High Street or Jay St. Metrotech stops on the A, C train
Lunch: Picnic Style to enjoy the view. Bring your own or find food to take-out on Montague Street.

Afternoon: We will explore the streets, sketching brownstones, people and street views.
Show and Tell: 3:30 - Henry Street Ale House, 62 Henry St, to share drawings, good stories and a beer or wine if you're so inclined.
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Can't find us?
Call or Text Mark - 973-809-9128
There are no fees or attendance taken. All drawing skill levels are welcome