Sunday, January 4, 2015

High Heels and More

Yesterday's outing to the Brooklyn Museum was fun. I'm glad I'm at the stage where I can look at high heels and appreciate them by sketching them not wearing them.

The red ones kept calling me. I know the website said "dry media" but I did pull out my little palette and none of the guards seemed to care. I needed my red paint!

The sign said these were worn in bathhouses of the Ottoman Empire so the women would keep their feet deep was the water? lol

These were a contrast of old and new.

At lunchtime I did a quick mandatory Jim sketch.

Then it was off to sketch this statue of Robert Fulton by Caspar Buberl.

There was a big crowd at the coat check and I did a few of the people.

After sharing at Tooker Alley we had time to do a few sketches of each other.
It was hard seeing what we were doing in the dim conditions.