The dates for the weekend in Ithaca with the Canadian and NYC Urban Sketchers is OCTOBER 18-19, 2014. Most people who are going will go up on Friday the 17th. Some people will stay through Monday as it is a long holiday weekend for Canadians (Canadian Thanksgiving).
There will be 4 organized sketch sites both in the city of Itaca and in surrounding scenic areas. The schedule will be posted about a week before the event only to those who will be attending. There will also be an organized dinner on Saturday night.
If you are interested in going there are still 5 rooms (more may be released with increased demand) at the special rate of $129.00 To get this rate call Trip Hotel in Ithaca 1-607-257-2000 and request the special rate for Urban Sketchers. The rate includes a hot breakfast.
If you are planning on attending please let Raylie Dunkel know at raylie@verizon.net so that a list can be distributed for potential car pools.