A productive day of sketching last Saturday with the sketchers of NYC. We started off at the Carl Schurlz Park in Upper East Side. When I can't decide what to sketch I usually find a vanishing point and try drawing people to warm up. I was having some trouble with the pen.

I'm much more confident sketching architecture than people so I drew the apartments that overlooked the park. Unfortunately we couldn't find a nice enough view of the Gracie Mansion to sketch it.

Once finished at the park we went to a restaurant and I chose to attempt drawing more portraits.
After we were done at the restaurant I still had a few hours before dark. I've always loved central park and the rows of sky-scrapers that line it. I'm always astounded by how tall these buildings are. This is a picture a quarter way through the drawing.
I drew until it was dark and finished some of the inking and watercolor at home later that night.
To see more of my work: