Monday, October 28, 2013

Long Island City - October 26, 1013

I arrived early to our sketch location and found this tiny old lobster boat docked in a small inlet at the back of the LIC Flea fleamarket.

I moved to the entrance to the fleamarket so I'd be visible as NYC USk arrived. I found this view:

We were joined for this sketch by Fred Chaney who was visiting NY from Perth Australia.  He and his wife Jody wanted to see the skyline so we walked the two blocks to the water:


  1. Nice job, Mark! I especially like the one with all the windows and the car. You did a great job on simplifying the windows on that building! A lobster boat??? I thought I should be seeing them in Maine. lol

  2. Oh, nice drawings. I tried to draw that little boat too. Always like your watch color, so hard to pick it up.

  3. Lovely sketches! I've the same favorite as Joan -- I like the spots of detail in the buildings.


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