Thursday, June 20, 2013

Battery Park Figure al Fresco - June 12

Hi.  My name's Patricia.  I joined the group a while ago but all the sketching outings are on Saturdays and that's the one day I work.  Oh well.  I'll join all of you to sketch one of these days.   Let me know if any weekday sketching opportunities come up.  I'm going to be posting here occasionally.  I sketch on my iPad mainly.  Mostly.  These appear on my blog over at  I'm trying to navigate my way around blogger right now so I don't really know if things are going to work or not.  Fingers crossed.  I figured this was an easy post to experiment with.  I have two more recent "outings" to share with you but I think I'll wait for tomorrow.  


Remember I told you all that I went downtown last Wednesday for the Figure al Fresco offered by the Battery Park City Parks Conservancy?

Well, here are the "proper" drawings of the "official" model and not my  Mental Meandering and Frantic Recording of Whatever Crossed My Path Because I have A New App And It Is Nothing But FUN FUN FUN.

She was Very Flexible.
Hmm.  I guess I mislabeled the next one.  Looks like it should be 5 minutes instead of 10.  Too much frenzy to pay attention.

I blame any and all Wonkiness on her flexibility.  Even my own wonkiness that led me to believe this was a vertical standing up drawing, until I really looked at it, i.e., held it up to a mirror and saw something was seriously wrong.  I know.  Things are still wrong.

 As a non-flex person I get thrown off kilter when in the presence of one.

Sketch Club app, Pogo Sketch stylus.
(full disclosure:  I added the color at home.  Since she was wearing beige clothing and I'm not a beige artist I used artistic license.  The purple mat is true.)