Thursday, January 10, 2013

Sketching at the Museum of Natural History December 29, 2012

We went to the Museum of Natural History on December 29th.  It was a cold rainy day and I had the hope the museum would be deserted. Well, that didn't happen.   I believe every tourist in NYC found there way to the museum that day, as well as every family stuck at home facing a rainy weekend with the kids.  It was jammed.

 The great thing about the museum is that it's filled with animals and they don't move.  You can walk around trying to find the best angle and then do your sketch while they hold still for you.  What didn't hold still though were the hundreds of people mobbed around each exhibit.

It was so crowded that we couldn't open up watercolor kits or try anything elaborate.  After the first dinosaur drawing which was done in ink, I stuck with pencil. What an amazingly versatile tool the pencil is.